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Our School

 Eddleston Primary lies to the East of the beautiful rural Village of Eddleston, located at the end of Burnside Road. We moved to our current school location in April 1992, where the school building faces South and commands outstanding and very picturesque views of the rolling Tweeddale hills.


 Entry to our school is through a welcoming and very spacious Reception Hall. The large teaching areas are open plan by design with Class Bays arranged around a central 'Interaction Area' which hosts an I.C.T Suite, learning area and well-resourced woodland themed Library.


 At the opposite end of the school is our general purpose hall (which is used for P.E lessons, music lessons, assemblies and a dining space).


 We also have a Support for Learning room which is used for small group learning activities with pupils. Next to this, a well-resourced staff learning/teaching Resource room can be found, which is situated across from the main School Office.

 Entrance to the school for our infant pupils is through a separate entrance to the right hand side of the school building. Our junior and senior pupils enter and exit the school building through the main Reception Hall.


 Pupils benefit from separate toilets and cloakrooms for our P1-4 and P5-7 classes located at either side of the Class Bays. 

 Outside, in our extensive and scenic school grounds, there is a small playing field, large tarred play area (marked for playground games) which also houses a full-size netball pitch.


 Picnic tables and benches are available for pupils, who use these to enjoy our amazing surrounding scenery. Trees have been planted at the front and rear of the school grounds, along with vegetable patches, which pupils ands parents maintain. 


 Pupils benefit from grass banking areas to the front and rear of the school building. An outdoor learning area, including a variety of adventure playground equipment (Funded in January 2011 by an 'Awards for All' National Lottery Grant) can be found at the rear of the school, alongside a forest area which is widely used for outdoor learning lessons.

 Specially sculpted benches can also be found at the front and rear of the building, which enhance our excellent 'Outdoor classroom' area. We also have an outdoor storage facility at the far right of the school which was funded by a grant from Tesco and the Parent Council, which hosts a range of loose parts play resources for the children.

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